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User Contributed MotoCalc 8 Data

This page contains links to user-contributed data for MotoCalc. Some of this data will eventually make it into the official MotoCalc data updates, but in order to make it available as quickly as possible, it appears here as soon as a user has submitted it.

Browse through the data by following the links below. If you see any that is useful to you, select the Get Contributed Data item from MotoCalc's Update menu. Click the box next to each item that you want, and then click the Add Checked Items to MotoCalc button. MotoCalc will download the data, and add it to your MotoCalc database.

Contribute Your Data!

If you have taken the time to measure motor constants, cell parameters, airframe measurements, etc., why not contribute them to the vast community of MotoCalc users? To do this, open a Project containing one or more of your added components, and select the Contribute Your Data item from the Update menu. Click the box next to those items you wish to contribute, and then click the Contribute button.

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